High Life, High Nutrition

Here at the High Deseret Ranch, we are ranching at over 6,000' and that means warm summer days, and cool summer nights. Perfect for pasture grazing cows, and raising pigs on the ground! Our commitment to raising cows and pigs without growth hormones or mRNA vaccines ensure that you and your family get the highest quality meats, without the worry of all the harmful 'extras'. Did you know as of spring of 2023 the FDA has allowed both chicken, pork and beef producers and processors to 'do what is best for the consumer', and as such that means there can be many chemicals and other injections given to the animals, that end up on your supper table.


In addition to cattle feed lots where cows have little room, and are feed corn and high fructose corn syrup to ensuring the quickest weight gain. Whereas here at the ranch, we allow the cows to pasture graze the rich grasses of the high mountain valley, and we provide both options of grass fed, grass finished or grain finished. Either way the beef you buy from the ranch is of the highest quality the way nature intended it to be!

When it comes to pork from the store, imagine a shed, the length of a football field, with giant fans to keep pigs cool, and room enough for pigs to get to the food trough and over to the water trough and lay down. These pigs are injected with vaccines to keep them healthy enough to get them on a truck to the meat packing plant. That is the pork you find at the grocery store shelf. To top it off, the largest pork producer, Smithfield Meats is owned by the Chinese Communists, so next time you are at Costco, Sam's Club or Walmart just to name a few, this is what you are supporting.
However, here at the High Deseret Ranch we raise our pigs on the ground and feed them with freshly milled grains, and give them room to stretch their legs. For every dollar spent to buy quality meat at the ranch, you are helping the local economy of the Intermountain West. From truckers, small butcher shops, grain farmers, millers, and lastly my family.

Have Questions, Comments?

Email the ranch: robert@highdeseretranch.com

I'll be in touch as soon I'm done fixing fence-line, putting up hay, checking on cattle or just doing chores.